Acadia house w/ smart home system is in progress

Acadia House construction is commenced. The project is a total of 3,000 sf full repositioning and restructuring of the existing house with an 1,000 sf addition. It is integrated with the latest smart home management system including EPS ultimate smart home automation and Aqara P1 sensors and Qhiuat outdoor wall lighting system.

Dosan Memorial Hall Presented

SECONEA Principal, Young Seop Lee, AIA presented the Dosan Memorial Hall’s visions in memorial, cultural center, and outdoor for all at the Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Memorial Foundation Gala 2022.

See HERE for more information.


SECONEA Founding Principal Young Seop Lee, AIA, presented the Accessory Dwelling Unit/ ADU research at Korean-American Real Estate Association Conference 2022.

See HERE for more information.

YS lectured in Lebanon & Jordan

Founding Principal, Young Seop Lee, AIA, and the KPM team and served and lectured for the BBTS training in Lebanon and Jordan.

YS joined the CBU grad studio review

Young Seop Lee, AIA, an Adjunct Professor of Architecture, joined as a critic for Prof. Kaiser’s studio mid-review at the California Baptist University. The studio is a graduate class and working for a new Philharmonic Concert Hall Competition in Prague.


Harriman Residences progress

Harriman Residences in Lincoln Height, Los Angeles, progressed in framing above heavy grading and structures. New 4-unit multi-family housing is under the Northeast Hillside planning district by the Los Angeles Planning Department review special reviews and requirements.

See HERE for more information.


SECONEA Architects is honored as one of the Best Residential Architecture Offices in Diamond Bar Region by Home Builder Digest.

See HERE for the announcement at

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Diamond Bar Region is a bustling city with a balance of indoor and outdoor living. Many of the neighborhoods in the area have various designs and styles that seize the opportunity to incorporate the environment and surrounding area to improve the quality of life at home. Outside, there are numerous recreational parks, museums, and shopping centers that residents may enjoy. The beauty of Diamond Bar is the opportunity to include the outdoors in the daily lives of its residents through various activities or simply enjoy the surroundings at home. The best residential architects in the area offer numerous designs that can cater to your preferences while complementing the surrounding area. To help, we have curated this list of the top eight best residential architects, looking into the firm’s process, design, and portfolio.

SECONEA Architects’ foundation relies on a research-oriented design process geared towards new conventional designs and methods to cater to the different needs of the client. Its goal is to create a custom-tailored environment that reflects the client’s lifestyle through a seamless process that involves holistic design solutions. This process extends to its other services beyond residential projects, which involve various commercial projects. Its approach established the firm as a leading architectural company in California.


New 4-unit multi-family housing at Northeast Hillside planning district in Los Angeles has been progressed above grades including parking garage and building retaining walls along the hillside.

See HERE for more information.